Switch Hitters

Episode 320 December 20, 2023 00:16:52
Switch Hitters
Open Run With BTG
Switch Hitters

Dec 20 2023 | 00:16:52


Show Notes

Open Run with BTG Episode #320

The in season tournament is a hot topic that I feel won’t go away for a while. I just think it’s interesting how my Lakers get the negative attention from it. Also, what tier is more accurate??? NBA tiers are set.

Switch Hitters #Open320

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:42] Speaker A: How much do you celebrate winning the in season tournament if you're the Lakers. [00:00:47] Speaker B: Dan, are you serious right now? Are you serious right now? [00:00:51] Speaker A: They're going to raise a banner charm. [00:00:53] Speaker B: Are you serious right now? [00:00:55] Speaker A: Now if you're the pacers, I said, you do a parade, you do a banner in the ceiling. Any reason to celebrate, you do in season rings for the Pacers if you win against the Lakers. [00:01:09] Speaker B: But let me tell you something. If the Pacers do an in season parade, I'm going to Indy for. [00:01:19] Speaker C: You. [00:01:20] Speaker B: Know, it was a resounding success. Everybody's really happy with the in season tournament, but we're not raising banners. We're not doing parades. [00:01:30] Speaker A: They were doing champagne with goggles, Charles. [00:01:37] Speaker B: I'm so glad that I wasn't watching. I'm so glad that I wasn't watching Saturday night. If I saw them doing champagne for the in season tournament, like I say, it was a resounding success. [00:01:50] Speaker C: But. [00:01:53] Speaker B: You don't do champagne for the in season tournament. I'm glad I did not see that. [00:01:58] Speaker C: Amen. Twelve cow. So there you have it. I guess we can't do nothing. We can't celebrate it. We can't do it anymore. I'm starting to learn over the past week or so, this is my last episode. The Lakers is damned if you do, damned if you don't, right? If we lose, everybody gets to point a finger at us. If we win, it's quiet. But you all got to know that. We got to be quiet too. You know what I'm saying? We have to be quiet too, because if we say too much, then we doing too much because we won. Right. The in season tournament was a success. I think it's starting to make sense to people more. We're in the space where this is the end of the year, right? We're in the thickness of fantasy football playoffs and basketball. The dynamics of basketball has changed. Draymond Green is one of the most hated players of all time. Know, with his recent is, you know, is back finally, you know, we have a situation where LeBron and Ad will continue to sit out certain games, and that's where we're at. There was a tier that they came out with not too long ago. They had the Lakers on like the fourth. I think it was like the fourth tier. Let me see if I could find it. It was the fourth tier in the NBA. As far as if you, you know, for championships and shit. Like, I wasn't, I wasn't mad at it. I can't be mad at it because it's based off of what we've been doing thus far. We pretty much haven't lived up to expectations since we won our championship. The bubble championship, that is. And it's all analysts, spectators, fans, et cetera. They say we're not where we're supposed to be now at the bottom of this tier and there's about 123-4567 tiers. And at the bottom, what we call bottom liquor, you got the Wizards, San Antonio spurs and Detroit Pistons. Yeah, Detroit between Detroit and San Antonio is like a race to get to lose the most games in a row. Like losing streak. God bless. Know and everything that he's going through. Yeah, man. I mean, that's the bottom. I can't not disagree because right above them, these teams can be just at the bottom with them. They're just a little bit better. The grizzly Chicago Bulls, the Hornets, Portland Trail Blazers and Jazz. I haven't heard much about the Jazz this season at. So I get that. We go to the next. Here you got the Rockets, Golden State, Boston Clippers and Toronto. Now, these teams are a surprise because Brooklyn is not too far removed from being one of those contenders. Then you got the Clippers. Obviously they were supposed to be contenders since they know even before they got Kawhi they were supposed to be considered contenders. They've had some solid ass rosters for a while, right? Toronto a little indifferent about that one. Golden State is the biggest, not the biggest surprise, but the biggest drop. I should say. No longer a surprise. Even with the addition of cp three, a vintage classic hall of Fame floor general that's coming off the bench. It's looking nasty for them. Draymond is over here socking people for no fucking reason. And Clay is just deteriorating in front of our faces. He's scratching to get back to 20 points a game. Curry is just over there just trying to maintain life itself. Curry don't know what the hell he's doing and they shipped off Jordan Poole deservingly, but I thought they would have built into him more seeing know Steph will be on his way out in a minute and you need somebody to take over that torch. They're not doing anything or going through anything that we haven't seen before. You could be on the top for so long until you start to slide down that hill, that's exactly what they're doing. They're just falling down. That motherfucker got a rapid pace. The next tier we have Miami Heat, my Los Angeles Lakers, Cavaliers, Atlanta Hawks, Pacers. I don't know what we're doing on the same tier with the Hawks or the Pacers. I think Cleveland should be a little bit higher, but this is not my tier. These are not my tiers. That's the tiers that's presented. The Pacers. Atlanta, Cleveland Lakers, Miami is on the same tier. Then we go to the last three, the top three tiers coming in at three. You got the New York Knicks, Pelicans, Dallas Mavericks, Philly and the Kings and Magics. Hmm. What do I think about that tier? That's a good one. But there's some teams on the fourth tier that I would switch out. And I'm not even just talking about my Lakers. I think Cleveland can climb up there and Miami can climb up there, but they're not playing as good as they used to. That window might be closing with Miami. Then we get to the second tier. It's only two teams, OKC and the Suns. We've been getting with the Suns, though. Like my Lakers has been getting with the, um. OKC is solid. They solid as hell, actually. So those two, I guess I can see it. And the Suns are going to be up there regardless because of the three star players that they have. You know what I'm saying? But even though we recently just got well at the time of this recording, I can't really tell. They say this upcoming weekend, which would be the weekend of the 14th, no, 16th, we should see all three of them together, Katie, Bill and Booker. And then the number one tier in the NBA right now currently is the Boston Celtics, Denver Nuggets, Minnesota Timberwolves and the Bucks. I like those. Now, obviously the surprise is the Wolves, but they strong as hell. Yeah, they got one of the best star players in the world, young players, Anthony Edwards. We know who Denver got, we know who Celtics got and we know who the Bucks got. And with them adding dame, so that's the tier. We'll see how it map out. Man, do I think my Lakers have a chance of winning a championship this year? Before we get out of this year, I'm going to tell Sean from ETMF, shout out to him and the Chicago Bulls, the most trashy ass niggas. Yes, I do think we have a chance. Am I confident about it? Absolutely not. I'm not at all far from it. But I do think we have a roster to compete in the championship. I do. Obviously that's with injuries aside, when we play on all cylinders, it's pretty dangerous. We've seen that in the in season tournament. So there's that. Do I believe we deserve to be on that tier. I'm not mad at it. We can stay there. We can stay there because that's almost a Cinderella spot. Almost. Even though they wouldn't necessarily say we're a Cinderella team, they have high hopes. We got LeBron James and ad on their team. So we can't be ranked that low or looked at that low. With those two on the team healthy, I should say twelve cow. There you got it, man. We can't do anything as a Lakers. Can't you say? You see, it's a double standard. The Pacers, the Kings, they can go throw a party, shut down the streets, close all the businesses on a Friday night. Party like a rock star. When it comes to my Lakers is win, go home, rinse, repeat, get your ass back to work, do it all over again. We can't celebrate nothing. We can't celebrate nothing outside of actual championships. So as a Laker fan, I got to understand that you all let me know, man. Do you all think you know what's a good question? Twelve Cal, what would you add to the in season tournament to make it more appealing, attractive again? I think I like the playoff seating. I like the playoff seed, the 7th seed. I like that. Eigth or 7th. I love that a lot. An automatic playoff spot. I love that. I would say more money. They got it. It's not like they don't have it and it's for the tournament. So I would say bump that up to a million dollars. I like that. But if I had to come up with my own idea, with my own know, outside of the whole playoff thing and the whole money thing, I would say an endorsement. Yeah, I kind of like that. I think when you look at the partners of the NBA, they have so many relationships. I think at the end of the day, at least for a season. At least for a season. Hear me out. I think at least for a season, everybody should be able to pick an endorsement it that is connected to the NBA and be sponsored. I like that. So you get a million dollars, you get sponsored and you get an automatic playoff spot. Since we can't celebrate twelve cow, we'll just take that spot. I think they might not put that into an effect until next year. I don't think it's going to happen this year. But that's how I see it, man. I kind of like that idea. So the basis of this episode was to say, hey, Lakers can't do this and we can't do that. But if we could win and celebrate, I would want to celebrate for that I would want to celebrate for a million dollars. I would want to celebrate for that seven seed spot locked in for the rest of the season and a sponsorship. I like that. Let these cats play for something. For real. For real. And I like it. I will push it back. I will push it back. For some reason. I want you all to push it back to. I will want, like, the championship game on Christmas. That's dope. You know what I'm saying? It sucks taking the way. I do have a heart, though. I'm like, damn, I know they've been doing this for a while, but to play on Christmas, that's got to be wacko a little bit, especially for the away team, you know what I'm saying? But in any case, they're used to it. So I would say, hey, man, at the end of the day, let's push this championship game back. But they also want people to attend the mean. But people attend the game during packed. It'd be packed house in some of these arenas. So I will look into that, man. And you know what? Roger Goodell could learn a little something from, you know what I'm saying? From Adam Silver. Like, he's finding ways to make fun, to make the game more fun and appealing and things like that. And one thing that we never really, because from what was reported, he had this idea back in 2014, right? And I think we somewhat remember that. We just forgot about it, brushed over it. But here's another thing that we don't really tip our hat to when it comes to Adam Silver. He found a way to continue to give us basketball during the pandemic. That is fucking genius. Some people complained about it. Some people didn't like it. Some people discredit the whole championship or whatever. That's cool. But at the end of the day, that nigga made a way for us to watch basketball again. A high level of basketball, know, with these players. Yo, this is some of the toughest basketball we played because we didn't have a fan base there. You know what I'm saying? It was artificial fan noises, and niggas had to play. This was like au basketball. They said, you know what? Saying so. And it was a mental thing because niggas were ready to get out of there. But that's respect, though. I mean, look, at the end of the day, Barkley has. I'm not mad at the opinions. I'm just letting y'all know the hypocrisy behind it. That's all. I can even agree. Like, nigga don't pour no alcohol out for no banner midseason. You know what I'm saying? I get you on that one. But it's still a level of hypocrisy, because if this was a lower level team, a team that's not in a major market, then the attitude towards it would be different, and that's ugly. At the end of the day. Shout out to Detroit, man, I need to get your shit together. It should be a fire sale over there. We'll definitely take a couple of players. All right, so shout out to y'all, man. Open road with BTG. Hey, man, we coming up on the end of the year. Gotta do something special for that one. Get your goddamn street shoes off my court, though.

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