Latest Episodes

The Madness Is Back
Open Run Episode #178 We missed out last year but we’re back!!! The upset city slash Cinderella event is back!!! Who’s the Cinderella this...

Not So Much All Star Weekend
Open Run Episode #177 The All star Weekend event is just not what it use to be. I believe it’s the actual star power...

Change The Narrative
Open Run Episode #176 Derek Carr will always be a Raider. Even if he shipped to another team, but why would he be? Lakers...

Panic Mode?
Open Run Episode #175 We’ve lost 4 out of the last 5 games and showing no signs of getting better. AD is definitely out...

Champion Concerns
Open Run Episode #174 We lost a fellow man and former SD/TB WR, Vincent Jackson. AD is injured again. I think it’s time for...

Goat Status?
Open Run Episode #173 Is Brady the overall GOAT in sports…period? What’s the criteria? Where does the ranking between the greats begin? Will anyone...